They say that “it takes a village.” This is because it is true that you can get through a wide array of situations with a supportive network. For those battling drug and alcohol misuse, group therapy for addiction can be beneficial in helping them recover from a substance use disorder and teaching people new skills that will make it possible to enjoy a lifelong recovery. If you would like to learn more about how a group therapy program can help you overcome an addiction, contact Midwest Recovery online or call 833.627.0039 today.
What Is Group Therapy for Addiction?
Group therapy for substance abuse is one way you can receive the support you need and deserve. Group therapy for addiction at Midwest Recovery offers a safe space for you to share your thoughts, life experiences, successes, and struggles with others who are on a similar journey toward overcoming addiction. Group therapy will be facilitated by a trained therapist who will work with you and your peers to enable self-discovery without any fear of being judged. The groups can be as small as three clients, but group therapy for addiction will often consist of anywhere between 8 to 12 people. The bonds made during the sessions will be essential in preventing relapse once you return home.
Structurally, group therapy for substance abuse sessions is held in a comfortable room with chairs arranged in a circle. This enables every person to see each other during the therapy, be encouraged to introduce themselves, share why they are in group therapy, talk about their unique experiences, and update the group on their progress since the last meeting.
Finding Support Through Group Therapy for Addiction
During group therapy for addiction sessions, you will be engaging with other patients in a safe place. Additionally, together you will be holding each other accountable and sharing personal stories. All of this will happen in a supportive setting, fostering camaraderie and vulnerability. Group therapy for substance abuse will help you build life skills that will be essential in your long term recovery, as well as offer a number of other benefits, including:
- Helping to reduce the risk of relapse
- Developing strategies for self-care
- Improving your coping skills
- Boosting your self-esteem
- Reducing stress
- Identifying and managing triggers
- Teaching empathy
- Increasing self-understanding
- Improving your well-being
- Decreasing shame
- Fostering a sense of purpose
Sharing your successes and failures with understanding people going through similar things in life can be empowering. And being vulnerable as you verbalize your story of addiction is a vital part of the whole recovery process because when you realize that others are also facing up to their problems and working to overcome addictions, you will be more ready to open up, listen to new ideas, and receive much needed social interaction and the human connection necessary for moving forward toward living a happier and healthier life.
The Types of Group Therapy for Addiction
There are several different kinds of group therapy for substance abuse. The approach, usage, and effectiveness of each type of group therapy for addiction will vary based on the specific drug(s) you are using. The most common types of group therapy for substance use disorders are:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy: CBT is based on the core principles that psychological problems are based on unhelpful ways of thinking, learned patterns of behavior, a belief that people can learn better ways of coping with those thoughts and patterns and relieving a person’s symptoms.
- Interpersonal groups: This type of group therapy experience will focus on your interpersonal relationships and social interactions. You will discuss and hear feedback on how much support you have from the people in your life and the impact these relationships have on your substance use disorder.
- Support groups: Support groups help individuals suffering from a variety of different substance use disorders. This style of group therapy for addiction also exists to assist your loved ones who your use of drugs and alcohol has impacted.
Learn More at Midwest Recovery Center
Learn how group therapy for addiction at Midwest Recovery can be the starting point for reshaping the rest of your life. Contact us using our secure online form or call us confidentially at 833.627.0039 today.