Inpatient Vs Outpatient
When deciding to get help with your addiction to drugs or alcohol, many people assume they need to go to inpatient or residential treatment directly after detox. Outpatient treatment, for some reason, continually gets labeled as “not enough,” even when in some cases, it mimics higher levels of care as far as therapeutic groups and peer support. When deciding between inpatient and outpatient care, it is most important for you and your family to look at the quality of care you will be receiving. All treatment centers are different, and at Midwest Recovery Center, we will always make the best decision for our patients.

While inpatient care is great and has a lot to offer, it is not always feasible when it comes to cost and insurance coverage. Many people get hung up on the idea that residential care is the best way to stay away from triggers and work on yourself. Triggers don’t go away when you enter residential care, and will likely still be there when you get back. Working on your triggers while in outpatient care can help you learn how to better handle them. When searching for treatment for yourself or a loved one it is important to look at all possible options, and if you believe you need an extra layer accountability, structure, time away from drugs, alcohol and outside triggers, why not consider a partial hospitalization program with community housing? Many people have a lot of questions about outpatient treatment- some of the most common ones are “what’s the difference between inpatient versus outpatient” and “where do I live during outpatient treatment if I can’t live at home?”

Partial hospitalization is the highest level of outpatient care we offer. Partial hospitalization mimics a higher level of care while still giving patients the freedom to leave property while supervised. In community housing patients can learn valuable life skills such as grocery shopping, learning to communicate with peers, and other daily responsibilities we have throughout life. At this level of care patients attend group therapy and individual therapy on a daily basis. Community housing may seem like a lot of responsibility for someone right out of detox, but with the help of our 24/7 community housing aids, patients will have the extra layer of accountability they may need. Many patients and their families are concerned about outpatient treatment being less restrictive than inpatient treatment. One of the biggest things we hear is “What will my loved one being doing at night?” Under the supervision of our 24/7 housing aids, patients are brought to meetings nightly, as well as other fun sober activities, such as nail salons for women or barber shops for men. Patients have their own bedroom or apartment where they can cook themselves meals, watch TV, or work on therapeutic projects they may have been given by their treatment team. Patients are free to build relationships with sober support in the area and create friendships with those living with them in our outpatient care. Weekends are a great time for patients to go on outings, visit their family, and create a network in the local recovery community. During the weekend’s patients have a lot of down time, which can help teach them about responsibility. During the weekend we offer outings that are recovery focused and fun. We will also bring patients to local AA and NA meetings during the weekend, or allow them to choose one to go to themselves. In our outpatient care, patients are given freedoms that will help enhance their recovery.