group participating in no alcohol november

How to Spend No Alcohol November in Toledo, OH

Having fun for individuals struggling with alcohol use disorders may seem impossible. Drinking is common in social settings, but it may not be a source of enjoyment. The long-term consequences of alcohol dependency are severe and sometimes life-threatening. Fortunately, you can find better ways to have fun and improve your life. Midwest Recovery Center gives…

man abusing marijuana and driving

Marijuana and Driving

Although there is much scientific debate about the overall effect that marijuana has on the senses and motor skills, there is little disagreement that marijuana and driving do not mix. Marijuana impairs judgment and reaction time significantly, making it more difficult to operate a vehicle on the road. Numerous studies have suggested that there is…

woman suffering from childhood trauma and addiction

The Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Addiction

One of the things that clients often learn in recovery at an addiction treatment center is the connection between childhood trauma and addiction. Trauma therapy focuses on tracing the traumatic event and the emergence of alcoholism in a person’s life. The treatment creates an awareness of this connection that the client may have been unaware…

pregnant woman refusing wine to refrain from drinking while pregnant

What Happens if You Drink While You Are Pregnant?

Drinking while pregnant can harm your unborn child. Alcohol can cause severe psychological and physical problems, congenital disabilities, and medical conditions such as fetal alcohol syndrome. If you are suffering from alcohol addiction, now is the time to get help from our alcohol addiction treatment program. All forms of alcohol can hurt your baby. This…