group discusses how men and women recover differently

How Men and Women Recover Differently

The differences between how men and women experience addiction, undergo therapies, and recover, stems from the sociological and biological differences. These differences primarily revolve around estrogen and testosterone production, varying body size, body composition, and societal expectations. The gender differences influence susceptibility to substance addiction, recovery, and the risk of relapse. Midwest Recovery Center offers…

Group discusses different types of addiction treatment therapy

Different Types of Addiction Treatment Therapies

Substance addiction is a complex brain disorder that can affect anyone; it knows no age, gender, race, or social class. It involves a person’s physical health, emotional state, mental health, and abilities to socialize, which affects every area of their life. There are multiple types of therapies geared at ensuring recovery for people struggling with…

a group participates in group therapy

The Group Therapy Approach To Recovery

Group therapy is an addiction treatment method used to help people struggling with various addictions. It involves five to 15 patients and one or two health professionals. The health professionals guide the group through conversations and activities targeted at tackling a specific problem varying from substance abuse, panic disorder, social anxiety to chronic pain. Group…

woman learns about what she can do to help fix the stigma around addiction

Fixing The Stigmas Around Addiction

Various addictions are often accompanied by shame, guilt, and self-stigmatization. These feelings can be traced back to the public stigmatization, which perpetuates negative stereotypes regarding addiction. The majority of society thinks of addiction as a moral problem insinuating that individuals suffering from addiction choose to continue using drugs, unlike people with other chronic conditions who…

woman utilizes tips for improving her environment

5 Tips on Improving Your Environment for Recovery

Your immediate environment has a direct impact on you. So profound is the effect that it can shape a person’s personality. It, therefore, follows that a person who is in recovery should be mindful of their environment. Your recovery environment should complement the healing process. However, the external environment is complex. Many variables interact at…